DigitalDream Tech

We Help Realtors Scale Risk-Free By Using Pay For Performance Strategies.

Who We Are

At DigitalDream, we're more than a service provider – we're your dedicated partners on the journey to extraordinary results. As real estate advertising experts, we're committed to propelling realtors like you to unparalleled success. Our core philosophy centers on crafting strategies that are not just effective, but uniquely tailored to position you light-years ahead of your competition. We understand the intricacies of the real estate landscape, and our expertise becomes your competitive edge.

Our Approach

What truly sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to an exclusive and focused approach. Unlike others, we don't spread ourselves thin. We dedicate our efforts exclusively to one client per area. Why? Because your success is our compass, and by honing in on your unique needs, we're able to ensure that every strategy we deploy is precisely calibrated to fit your goals. This tailored dedication is what propels you ahead of the pack.

The Strategies

Uncover the transformative power of our proven strategies, meticulously designed to not just capture but captivate your target audience. Our toolkit includes dynamic campaigns on platforms like Facebook and Instagram, utilizing the precision of YouTube's targeting capabilities, and harnessing the amplification of retargeting techniques that elevate not just quantity but the quality of leads generated. This multifaceted approach ensures that your message reaches the right people at the right time, driving real engagement and conversions.

Custom Audience & Retargeting

Our expertise lies in the art of engagement, and our custom audience and retargeting tactics are the brushes we use to craft success. By utilizing these strategies, we ensure that your message reaches potential clients who are genuinely intrigued by your offerings. This translates into higher engagement rates, more conversions, and a laser-focused approach that maximizes impact where it matters the most.

Hot Leads Nurturing

Join us in a transformative journey as we nurture "hot leads" – individuals actively seeking real estate transactions within the next 1 to 3 months. Our unique nurturing process is a beacon for prime opportunities. We don't just generate leads; we guide them through a journey that aligns with their timelines, making sure you're at the forefront when decisions are being made.


Embrace the certainty of excellence with our pioneering pay-for-results model. With us, your investment is safeguarded, as you only pay for qualified appointments. This risk-free approach ensures that you're investing in outcomes, not just efforts. Our ultimate focus is on delivering real value, and that value is what you pay for.


Elevate your real estate journey with DigitalDream. We are architects of tailored strategies, your compass to success in a competitive landscape. Our exclusive approach ensures that you don't just stand out – you shine. We empower you to engage high-quality leads, redefine success, and transform your real estate aspirations into concrete achievements. Let's dream, strategize, and succeed together with DigitalDream.

Interested in working with us? Here's what it looks like.

Schedule Your

Strategy Session.

Book a call using the online calendar that’s presented to you. We'll present our strategy to you. – click here to find it.

Onboarding Call

After the marketing call we hop on an onboarding call where I presently walk you through step by step how to set everything up.

Launch Within 7 Days.

That’s basically it. We watch your ads like hawks. There’s no time better than now – so click here and let’s start.

We Offer

🔍 Custom Audience & Retargeting

With our custom audience and retargeting tactics, we reach potential clients genuinely interested in your offerings. This drives higher engagement and conversion rates, focusing your efforts where they matter most.

🔥 Hot Leads Nurturing

Join us in our distinctive journey of nurturing "hot leads" – individuals actively seeking real estate transactions in the next 1 to 3 months. Our process guides these leads, helping you tap into prime opportunities.

🤖 Text & Email Automation

Engage and convert leads through our text and email based nurturing approach. From basic forms to in-depth surveys, we keep the conversation flowing. Once they're primed, we're ready for immediate follow-up..

🚀 Launch Facebook and Instagram Campaign

Experience the impact of our dynamic and optimized ad campaigns across Facebook and Instagram. These campaigns are strategically tailored to your brand and your unique audience, ensuring resonance and results.

📹 YouTube Advertising

Harness the power of YouTube advertising with our precise targeting. We'll develop high-quality, engaging ads that resonate with your desired audience, increasing your visibility and reach

📄 Instant Form and Landing Page

Our strategy involves guiding potential leads to an instant form and a dedicated landing page. This process captures crucial information and identifies "hot leads" who are primed for action within the next 1-3 months.


Agencies Vs. Our Solution

❌ Lengthy Contracts: 3-6 months.

❌ Expensive: $2,500+/month.

❌Inadequate Communication.

❌ No Budget Solutions.

❌Bring Leads Not Sales.

✔️ No Monthly Retainer Basis.

✔️We Get Paid For Performance.

✔️24/7 Support.

✔️ Budget Solutions Available.

✔️ Booked Appointment & Sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does your service cost?

Customized Packages. Pay for Performance.

We offer tailored packages to meet your unique needs. We don't operate on a monthly retainer basis. Instead, we charge per booked appointment that you deem valuable. With flexible startup-fees based on the services provided, we ensure a seamless implementation. Experience the benefits of our customized approach today.

How are we different?

We believe in exclusivity and providing personalized attention to our clients. We intentionally work with only a select few agents and brokers per area to ensure that you receive our undivided focus and support. You are not just another number to us – your success is our top priority.

What are your packages?

We offer a variety of different packages designed to accommodate the unique needs of our clients. With a total of three distinct packages, we provide options that cater to a range of requirements and budgets.

Each package is thoughtfully crafted to deliver specific benefits and outcomes, ensuring that you find the perfect fit for your business. Whether you're just starting out or looking to scale, our packages are designed to meet your goals and exceed your expectations.

Where are we located?

We are located in Ontario, Canada. To be more specific we are in London and Toronto.

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